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Breadcrumb Featured Snippet Advanced SEO ROI Projectons

Breadcrumbs Featured Snippets SERP CTR projections compared to other featured snippet types.

Breadcrumbs with regards to websites refers to page hierarchy. Every website has a home page that is easy to find since it is the top level page of the website. Every other page of the website however must fall under a hierarchy of categories to make it easy for consumers to establish context.

A good example of website hierarchy for travel websites is: Home > World > USA > New York > New York > Brooklyn. Starting with the home page, each major destination is a category.

The category seperators are “>” greater than signs. The greater than sign is Google’s preferred breadcrumb seperator. There are other acceptable CSS seperators to use on websites, however, they will not be displayed on the search engine results pages.

In the example to the left, the main category is “Life with Cats”, then “TV” and finally “News”.

The example above shows only 2 categories in the breadcrumbs. That is because there are too many characters to show in this listing.

JSON Code Sample for Breadcrumbs