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Eventus Gaming Conferences Featured Snippets Presentations

Join Featured Snippets Agency at the Eventus International Gaming Conferences around the world

As attendees to the Eventus gaming conferences, you will have the opportunity to join us for a live presentation on Google’s lesser known, yet highly effective enhancement for SEO, Featured Snippets. These featured snippets presentations will introduce, in detail, how featured snippets add exponential growth in impressions, clicks and revenue. Our presentations will demonstrate how featured snippets meet the exact needs of restricted industries like Gaming & Gambling.

The Featured Snippets Agency is a division of Search Titans International. We are industry leaders in global digital marketing, corporate trainers and service providers for twenty years. Our speakers have personally been involved in gambling case studies and the development of highly effective featured snippet optimization campaigns. Included in our presentations on featured snippets will be a demonstration on a single keyword relating to the gaming industry. We demonstrate how the keyword can be used to generate several types of featured snippets, content investment and ROI projections.

Request a Free Competitive Marketing Strategy Guide. The CMI Guide is produced specifically for your website and will demonsrtate everything we are gong to present at the coming shows.

Fantasy eSports Summit 2 – 3 September 2021 Amsterdam Speaker Attendance Confirmed

Fantasy eSports Summit
2 – 3 September 2021

Amsterdam, Netherlands
Esports Featured Snippets Optimization Revenue Projections
for Fantasy Sports Gambling Companies
Keyword : “Fantasy Sports Betting”

David Deutsch

Jonathon Kohler

IGaming Germany 4 – 5 November 2021 Berlin – Speaker Attendance Confirmed

IGaming Germany
4 -5 November 2021
Gaming Featured Snippets Optimization Revenue Projections
Gambling Companies.
Keyword : “Sports Betting”

David Deutsch

Jonathon Kohler

Sports Betting Featured Snippets Optimization Revenue Projections Presentation

Download PDF version of this presentation with presenter notes.

Eventus International is a dynamic, summit and exhibition company that connects leaders with leaders and turns opportunity into possibility.

Today’s presentation is designed to help global gaming and gambling companies better understand the revenue potential of advanced SEO techniques known as Featured Snippets.

The Featured Snippets Agency is a division of Search Titans International, a corporate trainer in digital marketing.

My name is David Deutsch. I am the global digital marketing trainer and speaker for Search Titans International. My colleague Jonathon Kohler is the Digital Account Director.

This presentation is split in to 4 sections: Keyword analytics for one single keyword. Unique users and revenue projections. Video costs, revenue and ROI projections. Concluding with the overall digital marketing revenue projections for a single targeted keyword.

This information is provided by The chosen keyword for this demonstration. This keyword would only work for companies that sell this product of course. All examples in this presentation will be for companies that offer, among other products, through thier company sites.

Google mostly creates and tests new features for search engines in the USA. They always start off in beta testing mode ONLY in the USA and then eventually successful features will be rolled out in other countries and languages. To make things easier, I have recently checked the availability of each feature on Google’s website.

Google Ads has much more restrictions regarding advertising content, than organic search results. As long as the local laws don’t intervene, neither does Google.

There is no way to tell the exact click through rate of any link or advertisement in advance. Each ad is different and more or less attractive. However, on average some featured snippets will automatically be more interesting than others. Their placements on the search engine results page might be higher up on the page. The thumbnail image of the livestream video, might take up the entire page above the fold sometimes. FAQ results are often mixed with regular search results and sometimes they appear above all other listings on the page.

Position 0 is always above position 1 in Search Engine results pages. Regular SEO is based exclusively on text content. Featured snippets are usually based on rich media like images, videos and specific types of content. The websites listed in this chart are in position ONLY for regular SEO and so are destined to receive maximum CTRs of less than 20%. The lower the listing, the less clicks they are likely to get. ANY featured snippet module will place your website above all these listings. Livestream videos or video carousels will get much more than 35% click through rates every time.

Once the pages have been optimized with Featured snippets modules, using schema structured data, Google will show you exactly how many impressions and clicks your featured snippets recieves. Unlike 3rd party software, Google search console is 100% accurate and dependable reporting tool. is also a very good 3rd party software and will provide you with advanced reporting for both your site and ALL of your competitors.

Almost all the data required to make these projections can be found online. SEMrush, Google Ads and other tools will provide very helpful data sets. However, to calculate any company’s revenue and sales projections, we need their Average Order Value and the website’s average conversion rate. Average order value is simple enough to find. How much money does the average consumer spend over the course of a year? Some ecommerce sites will only sell to each consumer 1 time and never again. Others will sell to consumers 4 times a month or more. The other consideration is the number of consumers that buy from 100 visits? 1 sale in 100 visitors is 1% conversion rate. Ecommerce average conversion rate is usually 3% but can be as high as 15% in very rare cases like Amazon.

Using these data sets is where things get very interesting. Maybe a little complicated, but very accurate. When investing time and money in any business, we always want to have accurate revenue projections so that we understand the risks before we invest. This table shows how much money each of these companies will make per year selling coffee capsules online. However, none of these companies is using featured snippets to promote thier listings. They are determined to get the lowest possible click through rates. Less clicks, sales and revenue for them.

If each of these companies WERE to invest in featured snippets however, thier stories would be very different. Each featured snippet gets a different click through rate and a different search result. One company can and sometimes does have seperate listings for each featured snippet. For example, one company can have a livestream video, a how to video, product listing, reviews and set of FAQ listings all on the same results page. That is the ideal way to target each keyword for your company. Even though a keyword only gets 1000 searches per month, a company with all those listings will get a much higher number of clicks than if they only have 1 text listing.

All gambling companies rely on affiliate partners to get them clicks and sales from search engines. However, Google is very clear that only content owners are permitted to apply for featured snippets. So it’s important for companies to target featured snippets on their main sites, because affiliates will not be able to do it for them.

Producing videos is never cheap or easy. Using our calculations, we can determine the value of each video in advance of producing them. Making sure than videos appear above position 1 of all the other listings on the page is the ultimate click enhancer.

Not every video has the same purpose. Therefore, some videos will be cheaper to produce and easier to make. The big question is which video types will make the most money for YOUR company and for the keywords you are targeting. This chart shows the CPA of each video type in general. I have grouped 10 keywords for each video type.

These effective costs per acquisitions are all in relation to motion graphics videos. No cameras or actors required, so much more affordable. Each keyword gets different searches per month. Also the conversion rates of each keyword will be different. Using these calculations, we can easily see which keyword matched to the featured snippet will be most profitable and which will actually lose money. Companies can choose the best videos to produce while reducing the risk of negative ROI.

The ECPA’s are based on the costs of producing live action videos with actors and cameras. Ultimately, this will provide the highest quality of videos and therefore conversion rates, but the initial investment can be daunting. It’s best to select live action videos only for the most profitable keywords and video types.

In conclusion, our digital marketing calculations will help you decide where to invest your time and money.