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Featured Snippets Agency New Business Development Team Proposal

New Business Development Team Proposal

“It is our intention to establish a partnership with an agency that focuses on building a new and sustainable pipeline of inbound new clients for your agency & client retention with upsells and cross service sales.”

Our team consists of two professionals with over twenty years of experience in the field of digital marketing, sales, account management and public speaking and corporate training; David Deutsch & Jonathon Kohler.  Combined, our approach to new business growth and retention is unique and focuses on the most basic need of any digital agency, client portfolio growth and sustainability. 

As in any business investment, it takes money to make money. Our approach, while unique, still follows the basic rules of business and sales. We need exposure, we require the ability to talk to people and we require the ability to follow up over time. Our approach involves travel and speaking at trade shows and conferences to a large volume of people. Your investment capital covers the travel expenses and fees associated with speaking at the various venues plus salaries or a general service fee for our two team members (Whichever is most comfortable for you). 

Our responsibilities will include presenting and selling a focused and highly unique product (Details included in the following proposal section) and representing your brand wherever our travels take us. Our high performance product has consistently outperformed the projections that we show potential clients. This produces an amazing, open-ended upsell opportunity. 

“This combination of presentations and open-ended upsale opportunities lead to tremendous client growth and retention. This, in turn, generates your ROI (Return on Investment).”

Asset # 1 – David Deutsch – Global Digital Marketing Consultant / Speaker / Trainer / Seller

David is a digital marketing professional with over twenty years of experience. David has trained and consulted staff at various agencies internationally. David has run multimillion dollar PPC and SEO accounts. Google hired David as a Google Trainer and Partner. He also holds several historical, “first ever” moments having been in the industry as long as he has. David has also spoken at many trade shows and conferences as well as at individual offices on innovative methods for producing higher click-through rates, lower bounce rates and increased conversions. Traveler also entails being ready to move, travel, speak, sell, return and repeat.




Asset # 2 – Jonathon Kohler – Account Manager/ Brand Ambassador / Public Speaker/ Traveler 

Jonathon is David’s first student and has been working in the field almost as long as David. Jonathon is however more of a performer and stage man. Communication is his strongest attribute as a theater trained public speaker that has participated in plays and musicals, but has also performed as a musician, magician, dancer and storyteller. Jonathon also served in the U.S. Army, working in the operating room. In that theater he learned the value of being able to translate the highly technical to the simplest format. 

In that way, Jonathon can speak the highly technical digital marketing lingo to the less experienced and gain and maintain their interest by making the complicated sound far less complicated.

Asset # 3 – Featured Snippet Agency 

Featured Snippets/ Structured Data is the primary component in the product that we have created to sell. Strong in their performance, yet completely underutilized, Featured Snippets is a great subject to speak on and gains tremendous attention, especially when we review revenue projections and how competitors are simply not using it, including billion dollar Fortune 500 companies.

If you were to search, “Featured Snippet Agency” on Google, you are likely to see the following:

Sitting above position # 1 and above any Google Ads is one of our Featured Snippets. Sitting in position # 1 is our site, followed by position # 2 our social media link on LinkedIn. By partnering with us, this level of authority on the subject of Featured Snippets becomes your level of authority on the subject. The agency becomes your agency. Our existing lead database now becomes yours as does our synergy.

Asset # 4 – The Featured Snippet Agency Lead Database 

Featured Snippets Optimization seo enhancement digital marketing toolsHaving spoken at E-Commerce Expo London in 2021 and Berlin’s Eventus conference on Gaming and Gambling we have already established and, “Warmed up” leads. Our 18 month sales cycle places interested leads forward, cycling established relationships into our communication pattern to maintain their interest and potential business. In addition to the leads we have gathered from these events, we also have a working lead database of over three thousand leads from Europe and the U.K. that are cold but have requested proposals for business growth through e-commerce and digital marketing opportunities.



Asset # 5 – The Featured Snippet Agency Media Production Synergy

Our partnership with Moonshine Media Group has a very special value as we have worked out an arrangement for them to handle our media production needs. Why is this so important? Because when we speak on the need for Featured Snippets, there are various types of snippet that can be placed with video. Lots of videos. Video results have the highest performing value in the entire featured snippet subject matter. They do have certain technical requirements that must be met before we can use them however. Moonshine Media Group is a partner that can be tapped to help produce multiple, low cost videos for the client that perform extremely well. They have been briefed on the technical needs we have for each video to reach its maximum potential benefit for the client at the lowest possible production cost. Any new media production partner would require hours to potentially weeks of discussion for them to understand the technical needs we have for these types of videos.













Proposal Details

In our ideal partnership, our team travels to digital marketing conferences and trade shows in various industries depending on your goals and targeted demographic. We arrive, present our presentation with your branding on it and then leave. We present a product/service you are currently not offering nor have the ability to offer. We network, sell and onboard new clients via your currently established onboarding process. We perform the work until we are overrun with new business and will have trained your existing staff to be ready to handle the overflow, once that threshold has been met. This will include account management as well. 

Our Product/ Service

The presentation on Featured Snippets is relatively easy to understand. We focus on explaining what they are, their various types and speaking on the various assumptions and truths behind them. We introduce the crowd to data relating to keywords and keyphrases that are related to the conference we are at. For example we would discuss the keyword, “How do you play texas hold’em?” at a gambling conference. We would show how no one has featured snippets up that directly answer that question. No video featured snippet in place. Not one of the billion dollar companies that are paying millions in their marketing budget have the free to use marketing technique incorporated into their business model. We explain why that is, we shock them with several other examples and then we get into revenue projections for each of our predetermined keyword and keyword phrases we want to focus on for that conference or trade show. Our engagement on this is outstanding. We get tons of questions and collect tons of business cards. The interest is there, we simply need to be in front of more people.

For interested clients, a scope of work is introduced and a menu of the various types of featured snippets is made available for them to choose what they are interested in. We meet for some discovery sessions to make sure the featured snippet optimization strategy is optimal for them first. They decide what they want. Each menu item has a set number of hours reflecting how long it will take to complete and we set a minimum of 25 hours worth of service for the product to be effective. From there, the client can order more or be simply passed a new proposal for alternate services that your agency offers.

Added Perk!

Because this business development strategy has been in the works for 3 years now, we actually have a good working knowledge and even a few relationships with conference managers and the shot-callers for speakers at various engagements. Due to cancellations from COVID and lockdown restrictions, we have a few favors owed to us. Some conferences are just getting going again post-COVID and we are in a position to speak at those conferences if we ask.

The Elephant in the Room

Why are we not forming our own agency? A common question. What is our deal? Why are we looking to form an agency partnership? Roll the clock back a few years prior to COVID and lockdowns. Our team had developed our product and service for the same purpose only with a partnership with a former colleague that owned a marketing company in Paris, BBK. After months of planning, we were approved by BBK to schedule and book 6 conferences that they would invest in, in the same way we are presenting to you. We would be brand ambassadors for BBK and would deliver to them the clients, they would get the upsell opportunities, etc. Then… everyone got sick. Travel locked down. Conferences canceled. Then even worse, marketing budgets became affected. In 2021, we were able to speak at a virtual show in London and a live show in Berlin. We had 23 people in the crowd at the live event in Berlin and only 2 people watched our pre-recorded, one-take-only video that the conference hosts in London would allow us to show. 25 people saw us perform in total in 2021, but we still managed to land 3 clients. That’s not a bad conversion rate. Unfortunately, BBK had lost too many clients by the end of 2021 due to COVID and had to file for bankruptcy. 

As for why we don’t simply start our own agency… At this point, we simply do not have the time nor resources to start our own agency. We have a unique product that gets people’s attention. It is relevant, new and it is a high performance marketing technique. Hiring staff, administrative details and raising capital to fund this venture is beyond our reach at the moment and time is always against us. With this type of service, it’s only a matter of time before others eventually catch on and copy us. The best foot forward is to find an agency to partner with.

The Uncomfortable & Dirty Underwear of the Situation? MONEY

Let’s talk about the difficult topics. Our partnership may involve bringing our two talents aboard as employees with your agency. We will work for your agency for a salary, $85k/year each, ($14k/month for both) plus bonuses based on previously agreed upon goals.

Should you not wish to employ us directly, we can understand why.  Taxes and benefits costs associated with hiring and maintaining employees are not required as we offer a much simpler approach. We can simply bill you $14k per month from our company in the U.S. which would be considerably easier for your business. It will still be equal to the salary expectations for both team members. Also with consideration to bonuses and goals met.

The last part of this equation is the fact that before you receive any ROI, like a true to form business investment, you will need to invest money first. The smaller the venue/ audience, the less likely the event will pay out enough initial sales to cover the costs of sending us to the event. A larger venue and audience would obviously be best.

Many clients may start out with a lower priced entry point and follow with a much larger price point at the time of upsale or cross-sale. With the level of success our product offers, the clients are content and excited to hear from us.

“This of course is the main objective. We deliver a high volume of clients with lower initial price points, then gain the opportunity to pitch new and exciting proposals to that large client base in the months that follow.”

David Deutsch

+44 1273 80 7926
Skype – Coolfreeshark

Jonathon Kohler

+1 580 302 5764